Warning: Indigenous Australians are advised that this website includes images or names of people now deceased.

Comments form FAQs

  1. Will all comments be published?
  2. Will you publish my name?
  3. How long will it take before my comments are published?
  4. Why can't I see my comments right away?
  5. Why would you edit my comments?
  6. I didn't mean for my comments to be published, how do I get them removed?
  7. Why would I want you to publish my full name?
  8. Can I send an image to the comments?
  9. I don't want to make a comment, how do I send suggestions for new content on the site?

Q1 - Will all comments be published?

Mostly the National Museum will publish your comment. However, the Museum will not publish comments it deems to be offensive. 'Offensive' is difficult to define, but generally we will not publish comments that denigrate individuals or groups, or that use offensive language.

Q2 - Will you publish my name?

We will only publish your name if you ask us to publish it. The Comments form contains a box where you may create a 'signature' for your comment that will give it context. Examples include 'Concerned, Qld', 'Ex-Freedom Ride participant', 'Descendant of Dulcie Flower', etc.

Q3 - How long will it take before my comments are published?

The Museum will review the comments daily, Monday to Friday, and aim to publish them within 48 hours of posting.

Q4 - Why can't I see my comments right away?

The comments on this website are moderated in the same way that Letters to the Editor in a newspaper are moderated. Comments that are unclear may be edited to improve their clarity. Comments that are offensive will not be posted.

Q5 - Why would you edit my comments?

One of the key intended audiences of this website is primary and secondary school students. In the interest of maintaining the educational value of the site, we will edit comments to ensure that their meaning is clear and that they are reasonably concise. If we have any questions about the meaning of the content and you have provided your email address, we will contact you.

Q6 - I didn't mean for my comments to be published, how do I get them removed?

Please contact us by email to: indigenousrights@nma.gov.au. However, once comments are posted on a website, they have already been copied or archived by another website. The National Museum can only remove your comment from this website. We cannot control what happens on the rest of the World Wide Web.

Q7 - Why would I want you to publish my full name?

If you are an academic or other expert in the history of Indigenous civil or land rights, or if you are one of the people featured on the site or a descendant of one of the people featured on the site, you may wish other site visitors to know this. You should note however, that once your name and comment are published on the website they will be accessible around the world and through search engines.

Q8 - Can I send an image to the comments?

Yes. We would be delighted to post images along with comments. Please email your comment with the image attached to the email: indigenousrights@nma.gov.au.

Q9 - I don't want to make a comment, how do I send suggestions for new content on the site?

Email indigenousrights@nma.gov.au.

Contact us

If your question was not answered, email indigenousrights@nma.gov.au