Links and sound
Websites with further resources
AIATSIS (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies) online exhibitions
- Freedom Ride, includes diary of Sydney University student Ann Curthoys
- To Remove and Protect: Aboriginal Lives Under Control, annual reports of Aborigines Protection Boards and subsequent government agencies
- To Remove and Protect: Laws that Changed Aboriginal Lives, state legislation identified in the Bringing Them Home report
- YES! The 1967 Referendum
Documenting a Democracy, National Archives of Australia
Koorie Web, 'a place in cyberspace for indigenous peoples of Australia'
The Origin of Commonwealth Involvement in Indigenous Affairs and the 1967 Referendum, J. Gardiner-Garden, Background Paper 11, Australian Parliamentary Library
Reason in Revolt: Source Documents of Australian Radicalism
To Remove and Protect: Laws that Changed Aboriginal Lives, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Uncommon Lives, see the features on Dhakiyarr Wirrpanda (first Aboriginal man to win a case in the Australian High Court) and Jessie Street (a civil rights activist), National Archives of Australia
See also Australian Dictionary of Biography for biographical information on people not listed in the People section of this website
Sound files
Listen to the activists voices and read the transcriptions.

Alick Jackomos recalls petition-gathering for the referendum with Doug Nicholls
Alick Jackomos, interviewed by Leanne Miller on 12 December 1996, Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders Oral History Project, held by Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra.
Listen to Alick Jackomos by downloading audio [MP3 594kb]
View transcript of Alick Jackomos

Mick Rangiari interviewed by Jack Doolan
Northern Territory Archives Service
Listen to Mick Rangiari by downloading audio [MP3 1760kb]
View transcript of Mick Rangiari

'Gurindji Blues'
Courtesy Ted Egan
Listen to 'Gurindji Blues' by downloading audio [MP3 2918kb]
View transcript of 'Gurindji Blues'