Warning: Indigenous Australians are advised that this website includes images or names of people now deceased.

Collaborating for Indigenous Rights 1957–1973


The fifteen years from the late 1950s to the early 1970s was a time of unusual collaboration between black and white activists in Australia. Alliances were formed between Aboriginal Australians motivated to help their people and white Australians wanting to redress the injustices suffered by dispossessed peoples in the building of the Australian state. This site tells their stories.

The Fights for Civil Rights tells of the campaigns to include Indigenous Australians as members of Australian society with rights to vote and rights to benefits such as the old age pension.

The Struggle for Land Rights documents the concurrent campaigns to develop and disseminate an argument - moral, legal and economic - for an Indigenous right to land at a time when mining companies and governments were working together to develop mines in Aboriginal reserves.

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Alex Vesper

Land Rights

Yirrkala, 1963-71

1967 Referendum

This site supersedes the National Museum's 1967 Referendum website. 1967 Referendum content here is the same as on the previous website.

Most popular pages

1967 Referendum
Faith Bandler
Charles Perkins
Teachers resources


Post 1980